Friday, April 14, 2006

The initial plan

DH had found a sale put on by Air France, NY to Paris for really cheap. This had nicely coincided with the fact that this was the year we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary, so we decided to make it a trip to remember. The nice thing about the Air France sale was once you were in Paris, you could go to select other cities for an extra $50 only. Imagine that! So we decided that Rome would be one of the cities we would try out as well.

We thought about where else we wanted to go, DH thought I had always said I wanted to go to Prague (I only mentioned it once in passing) but the idea of Turkey was appealing as Cappidocia was supposed to have lots of ruins to see. That was the easy part, the hard part was finding a cheap flight to New York from Vancouver. We sweated that one waiting for a seat sale, and it wasn't until close to the date of the trip that we booked our New York leg of the flight.

We left Friday,March 17 right after work, and caught our flight from Vancouver to Los Angeles. LAX, for anyone who's unfamiliar with it, is very confusing. There were no signs posted to say where our connecting gate was. As it turned out, we had to exit where we were and go to another building by catching a shuttle, thus having to go through security checks all over again. We were worried about missing our flight to New York. Fortunately, we made it, and that was our first red eye flight.

When we arrived in New York, we stored our bags for the day at the airport and caught the metro into town. We got off at Penn station and DH figures it's a gorgeous day, we have time to kill, let's walk down to Century 21 store, which is down by the WTC site. Now Penn Station is on 34th street and Century 21 is way the hell down. Getting down there, while a little tiring, did afford us a good way of viewing the different parts of New York, like SoHo and Greenwich.
Here's some pictures of things we saw along the way

We stopped off first at the WTC site, a very sobering site. DH stopped to take some pictures of the cemetery nearby

We bought me a pair of sunglasses, as I had broken my last pair, and DH was fitted with a suit jacket and a full suit. The salesperson also managed to find him a matching tie and we picked up socks to go with it. It was a good deal all in all, about $500 USD for all of that.

After the shopping spree, we walked back to Penn Station to go back to the airport. At least it helped us to sleep on the second red eye flight we were taking in 2 days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't remember if we've been to LAX before, but I'm glad the JFK airport in NYC wasn't the hell-on-earth experience we had when we flew home from Paris in '90 and got re-routed there.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Epicure68 said...

Well thankfully CDG is being worked on and in a few years time, they should have all the terminals linked up and it'll be much easier to get around. CDG is still better than LAX by a long shot.

8:39 PM  

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